
Megan has been riding and racing bikes all over the world for 18 years and organizing bike events for 15 years. She use to spend 9 months of the year in BC Canada running the BC Enduro Series and Trans BC and 3 months in NZ putting on the Trans NZ 5 Day Enduro Race. But now her roots are firmly in Kimberley BC with a family but still escapes down to NZ and Aus for at least 6 weeks a year with the family in tow now!
In the past many years Megan has personally raced in over 30 enduro races, has timed over 65 days worth of enduro races, and organized 40+ enduro races.
With her Bachelor of Business in Event Management, racing background and organizers background, she hopes she has what it takes to show you all a good time on bikes with friends. She is super excited to continually grow and expand the biking industry to help all other fellow riders explore the world by bike.

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"To me it doesn’t matter how well an event is organized or not organized, it’s the people that are in it that make the difference and I could not ask for better participants from the events I have put on over the past several years. I wouldn't still be doing what I do if it wasn't for you guys! You are all so excited, so pumped, so supportive, positive, flexible, and all just willing to go with the flow and take on what ever I throw at you! I run these events to allow riders the opportunity to explore new places, meet new friends, ride amazing trails, challenge yourselves, reach new limits, experience life changing forever memorable experiences, all while putting a beer in your hands at the finish line of every day! That's all that matters really! Who cares who actually wins the event, because you all win in my mind! I don't want these events to become too political and serious and the moment they do, I will walk away from it. So my gratitude extends to how rad all the participants are, and also correlates to the sponsors’ support, unbelievable local community and club support across BC, the volunteer crew and beyond. Every piece of the puzzle is important and I am so thrilled to have such amazing people in my life and have met so many more over the past few years through these events and the unbelievable support that you have all provided.
Even though she had to spend the time to organize the races she managed to race the last 2 events... at a conservative speed... And still won. Megan is pure legend. A wolf in chicks clothing.
Thank for all your work Megan! Doing the Whistler EWS Enduro made me really appreciate the laid back vibe of your events, in addition to your attention to detail and organization... it was evident and really paid off and made for very enjoyable racing experiences! Can't wait to see what next season has in store! Good luck in NZ over the winter (well, summer I guess).
U rock .. need a helpful boyfriend ???
When Megan told me what she was attempting I secretly thought she'd fail only because I didn't really think it to be possible. Nope..She killed it. Already looking forward to BC Enduro 2015! Congrats and thanks Megan!
When I woke up for the first race of the season in Penticton i had a serious knot in my stomach. Not because I was worried about racing, I was just dreading the cluster f*ck shit show that race day sign in always is.
When I arrived at the registration area I found out about her van dying and resigned myself the inevitable chaos and waiting, and confusion. Then something weird happened I walked straight to the registration table they checked my name off a list, and gave me a timing tag. Then I went to the start line and started racing. about thirty hours later when i had finished my last stage I handed in my tag and got immediate results. WTF? Nothing in my training had prepared me for such a well run event.
As I sat in the sun chatting with new friends eating tacos, and drinking a nice (complimentary) local beer with an amazing view of the valley It occurred to me that that was the best race I had ever done. The course, the format, the people, the vibe all of it was spot on. Somehow she took all of the best parts of racing and threw out all of the things I don't like. Every race after that was just as good and I can't wait to start again next season
Racing the BC Enduro Series made this the best season of riding I've ever had. A huge thanks you to Megan for making it all happen
This was one of the greatest weeks of my entire life! I hope my name is already on the volly list for next year, because that group of people were some of the best I've ever met. I cannot wait to see what 2017 has in store, and I will keep coming back until I am old and decrepit.
Megan - you killed it with this race! And I'm not just saying that either, you really did kill it :) There's almost nothing that I would change about the week - all the pieces of the puzzle fell into place wonderfully and I felt like there was nothing for me to worry about, except ride my bike! I'll be back next year
Thank you Megan. A great first year for BC Enduro Series. I was at the Kelowna race as a volunteer and enjoyed seeing the trails used for the race and all the great participants. Hope to be racing in it next year because it looked like so much fun.
Before this year there were few if any enduro races in Alberta. Thanks to Megan, the sponsors and volunteers we have a quality race series on our doorsteps! Your dedication to the sport and the community is truly inspiring. Can't wait for 2015 to get schooled by Dave Harder again on his 29er hardtail. Sigh...
From the events merchant provider: "My team is very impressed with the way your run your event, especially with your requests for funds to be released. You have been a model client which are hard to be in this industry as you have so many moving parts…well done...Best of luck with your event!"
Thanks Megan, truly one of the hardest things I've done on a bike. Glad to have competed, and completed!
Great experience, good times, killer riding, new friends, new trails, new places. this was a vacation for me to ride world class trails that would be hard to find or access by myself. The race erased needing to worry about logistics, accommodations, even feeding myself. Such a wonderful race and a world class event. Probably the best run event I have ever even heard of, let alone attended. Great staff, awesome volunteers, and no stress for the participants. Great job to the entire event crew and everyone else. THANK YOU!
Amazing work! The level of organization and smoothness of this event (at least to the participant) was not something I'd even expect out of an event that had been running for a number of years. So to have that for a first go was awesome. Great mix of trails and an excellent way to showcase some of the terrain the Interior has to offer.